For each row in the table, we have the same settings options


        o    Sort Ascending

        o    Sort Descending

        o    Custom sort

    Filter: When users right click they can add a filter to any column in a table.

    Hide: some of the columns can have this option - important note regarding this option is that the only way to undo this change is either undo (command-Z on Mac or control-Z on Windows) or refresh the page in your browser

    Delete: some of the columns can have this option- an important note regarding this option is that the only way to                      undo this change is either undo (command-Z on Mac or control-Z on Windows) or refresh the page in your                   browser

    Freeze up to column: Right clicking on a column lets users freeze a column so it is constantly in view.

    Column details: where we can see

        o    About - This section lists column type, name, and formula (fx).

        o    Top values - This section displays visual representations of the columns data. The Top Values list contains the                          column’s most common values. This information is available for Text, Number, and Date columns.  A Value                                Distribution histogram is also available for Number and Date columns.

        o    Summary - This section lists key column totals: Values, Nulls, Row Count, and Distinct Values. The percent column                  delineates the percentage of count out of total rows in the column.

        o    Statistics - This section lists a variety of column statistics. Minimum and Maximum values are displayed for the Date              and Text columns. These and all other stats listed below are available for Number columns.

                ▪    Minimum - The column’s minimum value. Depending on column type, this will be the lowest number, the                               oldest date, or the first Text value when sorted alphabetically

                ▪    25th Percentile - The number of values in the bottom 25th percentile of the column's values

                ▪    Median - The midpoint in a sorted list of column values

                ▪    75th Percentile - The number of values in the bottom 75th percentile of the column's values

                ▪    Maximum - The column’s maximum value. Depending on column type, this will be the highest number, the                              newest date, or the last Text value when sorted alphabetically

                ▪    Average - The average of all column values  

                ▪    Standard deviation - The column’s computed standard deviation

                ▪    Variance - The column’s statistical variance

    Rearrange columns: Users can also rearrange the columns in a table with a simple drag-and-drop function.