Seating Profit

This report gives users the power to quickly see sales profitability by event. The table has two levels, the first being individual events where users can see aggregated sales for each event in the report. One can find how many tickets were sold to a given event, how much the sold tickets cost, and how much those tickets sold for. The second level is transactional information, where users can see every sale to a given event and profit / loss information. Please keep in mind that profit / loss information is only as accurate as the cost information entered when purchasing in the tickets.

Above the table, we can see the control elements by which we can filter through the table:

  • Company Name – If your account has access to just one company, that is all that will be shown. However, if your account has access to more than one company account, any combination of those companies can be selected.
  • Category – we can choose between available event categories
  • Event Date Range – automatically set to “Next 7 days including today” and the dates from the current day 7 days forward, but we can also choose
    1. Next
      • Year
      • Quarter
      • Month
      • Week starting Sunday
      • Week starting Monday
      • Day 
      • Hour
      • Minute
    2. Between – the calendar will be shown, and we can set the dates
    3. On
    4. Before  
    5. After
    6. Last
    7. Next
    8. Current
    9. Custom – we can set hour, minutes and seconds
  • Event Headliner – we can select the name of the available headliner
  • Event Details


Seating Profit contains the following columns:

  • Event Details
  • Event Seat Quantity
  • Event Total Cost
  • Event Total Net Sales
  • Event Profit
  • Event % Profit/Loss 
  • Section
  • Row
  • First Seat
  • Last Seat
  • Row Seat Quantity
  • Row Cost
  • Row Net Sales
  • Row Profit
  • Row % Profit/Loss


Column Event Details have the option to be expanded or collapsed (to show more or less information).