Inventory Not in Hand

This report lists Inventory which is not yet in hand. This excludes cancelled Purchase Orders and completed invoices. This report is a good place to keep track of tickets which need to be delivered to Stage Front. 

Above the table, we can see the control elements by which we can filter through the table:

  • Days Until Event – It is automatically set to 3 days before the event, but we can set min and max value
  • Edelivery
  • Company Name – If your account has access to just one company, that is all that will be shown. However, if your account has access to more than one company account, any combination of those companies can be selected.


Inventory Not in Hand contains the following columns:

  • Company Name
  • Event Date
  • Event Name
  • Event Time
  • Venue Name
  • Venue City
  • Venue State
  • Section
  • Row
  • Seats
  • Total Seats
  • Edelivery
  • Internal Notes
  • External Notes
  • Listing ID