Listing Research

This report tells us the story of individual listings in the portal. The Summary table combines the seating information of all of the tickets on an individual listing. Users can see which events, sections, rows and seats are associated with a particular listing. Below that, activity of individual items on each listing can be seen, including price changes, cost updates, hold status changes, marketplace sharing dates and more. 

Above the table, we can see the control elements by which we can filter through the table:

  • Listing ID
  • Invoice ID
  • Company Name – If your account has access to just one company, that is all that will be shown. However, if your account has access to more than one company account, any combination of those companies can be selected.
  • Event Date – automatically set to “Next 7 days including today” and the dates from the current day 7 days forward, but we can also choose
    1. Next
      • Year
      • Quarter
      • Month
      • Week starting Sunday
      • Week starting Monday
      • Day 
      • Hour
      • Minute
    2. Between – the calendar will be shown, and we can set the to and from dates
    3. On
    4. Before  
    5. After
    6. Last
    7. Next
    8. Current
    9. Custom – we can set hour, minutes and seconds


This report is split into two tables: Listing Research and Listing Research Activity


Listing Research contains the following columns:

  • Company
  • Listing ID
  • Event Name
  • Event Date
  • Event Time
  • Venue Name
  • Venue City
  • Venue State
  • Section
  • Row
  • Seats
  • Quantity


Listing Research Activity shows all item activity and by whom each activity was performed. This table contains the following columns:

  • Section
  • Row
  • Seats
  • Activity
  • User Name
  • Created Date