Sales by Event Headliner

This report enables users to quickly see sales by individual headliners. Summary statistics on the top of the report give users a place to quickly assess sales performance of different headliners. Users can drill down from the Headliner level to see sales performance of individual events. For individual events, users can go all the way down to the transaction level detail where they can see how individual seats sold.

Above the table, we can see the control elements by which we can filter through the table:

  • Sale Date - we can choose 
    • Between – the calendar will be shown, and we can set the dates
    • On
    • Before  
    • After
    • Last
    • Next
    • Current
    • Custom – we can set hour, minutes and seconds
  • Company Name – If your account has access to just one company, that is all that will be shown. However, if your account has access to more than one company account, any combination of those companies can be selected.
  • Event Date – automatically set to “This Week” (the dates of the current week starting Sunday), but we can also choose
    • Current
      • Year
      • Quarter
      • Month
      • Week starting Sunday
      • Week starting Monday
      • Day 
      • Hour
      • Minute
    • Between – the calendar will be shown, and we can set the dates
    • On
    • Before  
    • After
    • Last
    • Next
    • Current
    • Custom – we can set hour, minutes and seconds
  • Sale Status – We can choose from the following
    • Paid
    • Payment deferred
    • Payment pending
    • External invoice
    • Cancelled
    • Ticket Pending
    • Delivery Pending

To better help Brokers, some key information is highlighted above the table

  • Total Quantity
  • Total Price
  • Total Sales Cost
  • ROI


Sales by Event Headliner contains the following columns:

  • Event Headliner
  • Event ID
  • Event Name
  • Event Date
  • Event Time
  • Venue Name
  • Venue City
  • Venue State
  • Event Total Price
  • Event Total Cost
  • Invoice ID
  • Sale Status
  • Section
  • Row
  • Seat From
  • Seat Thru
  • Price
  • Cost
  • ROI
  • Company Name

The Event Headliner and Event ID columns can be expanded or collapsed to show more or less information.