Payment Remittance

The purpose of this report is to provide the user with summary information for each consignment payment. Every payment has a payment ID, which can be used to filter the data in this report. The report includes adjustment information on a summary level and also includes sales detail about every transaction associated with an individual payment.

This report is split into two data tables: Payment Remittance and Sales and Adjustments

Above the tables, we can see the control elements – filters by which we can filter through both tables at the same time:

  • Payment ID
  • Payment Date – automatically set to “This year” but we can also choose the following filtering types:
    • Current
    • Year
      • Quarter
      • Month
      • Week starting Sunday
      • Week starting Monday
      • Day 
      • Hour
      • Minute
    • Between – the calendar will be shown, and we can set the to and from dates
    • On
    • Before  
    • After
    • Last
    • Next
    • Current
    • Custom – we can set hour, minutes and seconds
  • Company Name – If your account has access to just one company, that is all that will be shown. However, if your account has access to more than one company account, any combination of those companies can be selected.


Payment Remittance contains the following columns:

  • Payment ID
  • Payment Date
  • Type
  • Details
  • Company Name
  • Notes
  • Sale Type
  • Amount
  • Invoice Count
  • Ticket Quantity
  • Net Amount
  • Adjustment Count


Sales and Adjustments contains the following columns:

  • Event Headliner
  • Event Name
  • Event Date
  • Event ID
  • Venue Name
  • Venue City
  • Venue State
  • Invoice ID
  • Sale Date
  • Quantity 
  • Section 
  • Row
  • Payment Amount
  • Company Name
  • Exchange


In the Sales and Adjustment table, the Event Headliner column has the option to show just event-level information, or we can expand each event and see invoice-level detail.

By selecting the ”–” sign we can collapse the columns on the right side to more easily display a listing of all events in the report. This can be done for all the events or just the one we are interested in. This goes vice versa as well - we can click on the “+” sign to expand the columns on the right and display invoice-level detail for the events.